A wise man once said that there are two requisites for civilization. The first is indoor plumbing. The second, beer, is debatable, but at the very least we may agree that the latter even further justifies the need for the former.
The bathroom is the most important room in the house. It is where we meditate, where we make certain our faces are devoid of stubble or properly adorned with makeup, and where our dogs go for punitive baths after they’ve wreaked havoc in the mud.
Order must prevail in this most important shrine of contemplation and hygiene. If you would like to give your guests a good laugh (or if you don’t completely trust them), hang our Bathroom Rules Canvas up in your bathroom. We will personalize your work of lavatory art for you, so violators know just who they’re messing with when they leave the toilet seat up!
Item Specifications:
- Personalize with your Family name up to 15 characters
- Size: 18" x18"
- Canvas sign has .75â€Â wrap depth
- Wood Frame
- Photo Quality Art
- Latex Ink
- Museum Quality
- Made in the USA
- Gallery quality canvasÂ
- Hand Stretched and Finished
- 's and "Bathroom Rules" are standard