DG Custom Graphics is your premier site for custom designed pet signs.
We have many pre-made pet signs to show your love for your special companion. Signs are specific to various breeds of dogs with humorous sayings. If you don't see one that fits for your pet contact us for a custom quote. The signs look great as a yard sign or hung on the wall.
Ordering Info
1. Click on our "Design It" tool.
2. Click on "Clip Art Categories".
3. Go to "Signs (Pet)" template.
4. Pick template and place it on the sign.
5. Complete your purchase.
Ordering Info Third Party Platforms:
1. Place in cart sign size and style (With or Without Sign Holder)
2. Pick your sign Template
3. When completing checkout place in the notes the sign quote.
Sign Info
Durable High Impact Polystyrene (plastic)
Weather Resistant
Glossy White Finish
Rounded Corners With Hole Punches for Easy Hanging
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